Boothnath fame director Vivek Sharma has crossed his fingers for his next flick ‘Kal kisne dekha hai’. After the multiplex strike ends, this is his first film releasing on coming Friday. “I am excited and equally nervous. But as it is coming after a long strike and is commercially larger than life film, audience will like it. We got to know that the advance booking is in full-swing”, shares Vivek. There are other films that are releasing at or around the time of KKDH. “All the films that are releasing around this time are of different genres. One is Serious, another is complete entertainer and KKDH is a college film. So I think all the films will get their space and will commercially do well”, he puts in plain words.
In his very first film, Vivek has worked with biggies like SRK and Amitabh Bachchan, and now he is launching Vasu Bhagnani’s son Jackky Bhagnani and a new girl Vaishali Desai. “Film is about a guy who leaves his hometown in Chandigarh and comes to Mumbai to study in one of the elite colleges. He has a super natural power to see future, more like a fortune-teller. So it needed a fresh face. I’m a man who goes by the script. I purely believe in creative aspects and not the stars”, elucidates the director.
Rachana Shah who is playing Yana in the film recalls, “I did lot of training to get the stunts right. Training was fun where I lost 8 to 10 KGs. But when it was actually being shot I was asked to perform on the 6-7 inches high heels owing to my taller co-actors. It was tough for me but eventually it’s looking graceful.”
With his experiment with fresh faces Vivek will again bounce back with biggies. After Agnipath he will bring Amitabh Bachchan and Mithun Da together in `Buddham Sharanam Gachchami’. “This film deals with violence. It will definitely take the Indian cinema to another level” he briefs about his ambitious project. He is also trying to cast SRK in the same movie.
Fate is for those too weak to determine their own destiny and Vivek is certainly not the one.
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A Word With Boothnath fame director Vivek Sharma
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